Thursday 23 November 2017


  1. a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
Last night at the train station, the possibilities for embarrassment were endless.  All of it would be self-induced as Miss had not specifically ordered me to get out of the car and meet Her but She had slightly hinted that i should make sure i was wearing frilly undies so that the wind would cause me to flash them.
So it was my decision to get out of the car and meet Miss.  It was windy and yes my dress certainly lifted.  Was anything seen?  Who knows but as mentioned in my previous post Miss told me that a man noticed me and was quite gobsmacked. 
Yes, i felt self-conscious, yes i felt a little bit of shame (man in a dress and frillies) and yes, awkward but to a sissy these things, at the right time and place are delightful feelings and very very exciting.
i would call the experience last night one of 'active embarrassment' - i caused it. i wanted it and when Miss told me i was brave.....that told me She approved.  x


  1. Andrea Jane i am so pleased you got an opportunity to experience this and now you'll want to be more risque next time, and the next. There really is no greater thrill for people like us than that of having to do humiliating and embarassing things in public. But what at first seems hard gets easier and so thus too do the challenges that our better halves can set for us.

    Well done!


    1. Thank you! It's a new dynamic for us both but so far so good.

  2. Gobsmacked! I love this word and how you used it AJ!! What an amazing experience to be "shown off" in this manner by your Mistress. It is humiliating and exciting and erotic all smashed into one.



  3. i think Mistress did not expect me to actually get out of the and greet Her. It was dark but lit up enough in the station car park so that anyone who did look would certainly notice a 'sissy'.

    The fact that She told me i was brave really made my day.x
