If you recall from my previous blog Miss had decided that She no longer wanted to be my 'Miss' and that i was to look elsewhere....
It's now Saturday and we are off to spend the night in a hotel apartment and watch a show. I'm still feeling very down with what happened last night. Packing for the trip away i select as much girly femmy things as i can physically get into my case. i even almost pack a dress and blouse and skirt. i'm thinking well why not....why not just go out on Saturday night looking completely sissied. It's not as if Miss is bothered any more. i pack my butt plug, might as well put that in my pussy later too. i decide against any outer Female clothing and make up for it with more pairs of pretty bras and panties, stockings, suspender belts than i am going to need.
It's not a long drive and we get to our hotel apartment in good time to get ready. i'm already wearing a gorgeous pink and cream lace bra and panties set with a deep suspender belt and natural stockings under my male clothes. The bra is very noticeable through my male t-shirt. That's how i want it to be, it makes me feel such a prissy sissy. i've even brought my breast forms with me and as soon as we are in the apartment i am out of my male clothes, breast forms inserted into my pretty bra and am in 100% sissy mode.
The cooking facilities are basic but good enough for me to get the dinner ready for us both before we hit the town. Miss has spent Her time showering, doing Her hair, make-up....all the things a Real Woman does. i'm still in my pretties, enjoying the view over the city and wondering if anyone can see me. After dinner whilst Miss gets dressed i apply my butt plug to my pussy (details of this are in an earlier blog) and then shower. As i pass the bedroom i notice Miss dressing in a hot and sexy gold and black bra and panties set with a deep six strap suspender belt. She is drawing up Her stockings and i ask 'Looking hot. Are you on the pull tonight?'. She giggled and made no further comment. As i showered i imagined Miss to actually be looking for a Real Man this evening, someone to bring home and enjoy whilst i am either banished to the outside of the apartment or made to watch. My tiny cock got quite hard thinking of that.

i chose a new set of pretty lingerie for the evening. Pale pink bra and panties with a pink and white lace suspender belt holding up taupe stockings. Male mode clothing on top of that in a set which Miss likes a lot, a white dress shirt and dark blue trousers. i loved the fact that my bra lace and outline could be seen through the shirt. i really wanted it to be noticed when we were out. Miss did not seem to notice, or if She did, made no comment. Miss finished Her dressing with a lovely dark brown floaty dress, very classy, very up-market and added a pair of black spike heel boots. She looked absolutely stunning.
i was still getting to terms with Miss having told me that She was no longer being my 'Miss' and i was not calling Her Miss throughout the day or the early evening. Things seemed to change once we were at the show however. It was here that Miss started expressing an interest in how i was coping/enjoying the butt plug. At one point in the show She asked me to hold Her drink and called me 'sissy'. Shock!! So naturally i replied 'yes Miss'. Just like that and without warning She had come back to me and my little cock twitched as my panties got slightly wet. From being very sad and confused i was now totally focussed on Her again. Looking at Her sexiness, knowing what She was wearing, being happy to be Her sissy.

The show was brilliant - we will be doing something similar again most certainly. Back at the apartment Miss and i were lounging on the sofa. My butt plug was making its presence known every time i moved my position and Miss was enjoying watching me squirm with sissy delight. i took a major gamble and asked Miss if She wanted any pleasures from me. Her reply was very much in Her style: 'Maybe sissy. Or maybe i'll make you kneel in front of me and you'll play with your little sissy clit into a condom'. Oh Miss!! Again i felt the hotness in my panties as my sissy excitement increased. i began to gently caress Miss on Her legs, Her back and neck so pleased that She was back.

After some minute Miss then decided that 'we should test the bed springs' and with no further encouragement needed i followed Her into the apartment bedroom. Miss divulged Herself of Her dress to be left in Her hot sexy lingerie. Was She still going to allow me to pleasure Her? Indeed She was but not before She made me remove my pretty bra. We spent some time in bed allowing our bodies to warm the bedclothes before i gently began stroking Miss through the lace and satin of Her panties. i asked if i would need a condom and Miss said that would not be necessary. i wanted to worship Her sex, to almost thank Her for coming back as my Miss so gently i moved down between Her stocking clad legs and gently flicked my tongue over Her panty covered sex. Soon i had moved the panties aside and was licking gratefully at Her wonderful mons,
Miss wanted to feel something inside Her and with only my little cock available to Her at that time instructed me to get on top. No condom remember. It felt wonderful to be inside Her and as always it took a huge effort not to cum prematurely. Looking down at Miss under me, Her breasts in their sexy lace bra, Her deep suspender belt framing Her panties, Her stockings spread wide. A sight for a Real Man to behold and one for a sissy to be incredibly grateful for. Miss wanted me to make harder thrusts into Her 'fuck me harder sissy, like a lover would, like a Real Man'. i did my best to comply and Miss worked Her fingers on Her clit to make up for the lack of cock inside Her. She came hard. 'Now are you going to cum for me sissy'? She asked.
How could i not and when have i ever not??!! i wanted to last as long as i could and perhaps i tried to hard to last. Miss had enjoyed Her cum, Her pleasure had been had, She really did not have to then allow me to have any pleasure at all. i kept stopping myself from cumming and looked down to see Miss looking somewhat bored and indifferent. It was if She was just going through the motions now. This was not pleasure for Her, it was something She had hoped would be over quickly - as it usually is! For a sissy however this just aroused me even more and made me fully realise that my little cock was not providing Her with the slightest bit of fulfilment - even after Her orgasm. i knew then, knew that this was, in Her mind, rubbish sex, that being 'fucked' (hardly the right word!) by a sissy is always going to disappoint. Miss sensed i'd noticed, i think She could tell i had recognised the signs so to further the erotic humiliation She told me that She could hardly feel my cock. That did it....i moaned and whimpered like the prissy sissy i am, feeling my girly cum wash over me as the tiny spurts of sissy juice weakly ejaculated from my small cock.
i held Her close and told Her that i love Her so much. We fell asleep very quickly.
In the morning, i had added a very pretty baby doll before going into the kitchen area to make tea for Miss. i duly delivered this to Her and sneakily crept back into the bed beside Her. Something i would never do at home without permission! As is always the case in the mornings, i was feeling very horny and sissied. i'd just woken up next to Miss, actually slept with Her, She'd let me quite clearly know with subtle body language during our coupling that my efforts the night before were that of a pantywaist. i took another chance and told Her that i was still horny and would She maybe allow me to play with my excuse of a cock into a condom and help me with some teasing and humiliation? Not until you've made me another cup of tea sissy was Her reply. Some things will never change!
Initially, Miss wrapped Her lovely fingers around my little cock and gently stroked me up and down. Her comments were wonderfully belittling and cutting. 'Not very big is it sissy'....'Not much a cock at all'......Real Men have much more than this sissy'. i got as hard as i could do with such humiliation and got permission from Miss to put a condom on. Too me there are not many more demeaning things than to have to wear a condom in front of my Miss. Once it was on i took over the duties of working my cock up and down. Miss was in wonderful form with Her verbal assault on my manhood. 'I'm amazed the condom has not come off sissy, it's that small'.....Can you cum sissy, I bet it's not much when you do'.....'Pathetic little sissy squirts'......Not like a Real Man cums sissy, Real Men don't wear panties do they sissy'. i had no chance of lasting more than a few minutes before my sissy spurts (perhaps two or three) dribbled out into the condom. i moaned so girlishly, rubbing my free hand over my suspender belt, totally agreeing with everything Miss was saying with girly 'Oh yes Miss' replies.

Breakfast, made by me, another shower for us both, new bra and panties for me and then time to go back home. We had a great time away. Miss loved the show and i was so pleased that She has not followed through with Her intention to 'not be my Miss anymore'. The last few days have confirmed that as She has been referring to me as 'sissy' and me Her as 'Miss'. i can't explain what happened on Friday the way it did. Miss hasn't explained either. Maybe no explanation is needed?
A very emotional rollercoaster for me over that weekend. i'm sure Miss would have been having some deep thoughts as well. She's back. x