Friday 24 November 2017


i think it's true to say that most sissies like to be exposed.  By exposed i mean put into environments/situations where there is a chance they could be seen and recognised for what they are.  Exposure/Embarrassment/Humiliation are sissy sisters.

Miss has been doing this to me more often recently and after i had made and served Her breakfast She commented that some garden waste needed putting in the bin.  To me that meant right now and doing it the way i was dressed.  Blush!

Still in my sleepwear of beige lace bra and panties, natural hold ups and a sheer rose pink baby doll, i gathered up the items and gingerly stepped out the front door.  Very cold!!  A quick mince over a short distance of no more than 5 yards and the task was done.  All over in seconds but exposure it was and such a thrill.  Thank you Miss. x


  1. AJ,

    I soooo relate to this sort of thing. The exposure to others in a humiliating way by the woman to whom we submit.



    1. It's wonderful when it happens. We do have to be careful that it is not forced or that it is done where it might make other people feel offended. It's a subtle line but when done on the right side of that line it can be very fulfilling for both Miss and myself.x
