Friday 15 December 2017


i have a pair.  Those silicone falsies.  38D.  i've not worn them for Miss yet.  i'm not sure what She'd make if it?  As i was swishing around this afternoon in my polka dot tea dress, petticoat and frothy underthings, i just suddenly thought about them and how they would look.
Is it more 'sissy' to have them adorned in a pretty bra, to try and look like a girl, or is it more 'sissy' to be a quite obviously inadequate 'male' for Miss and wear the clothing, have the mincy mannerisms and forego the boobs?


  1. Hello. i recently found your blog and have been playing catch up. i love it!!! my opinion on this subject is, plan a special moment and present yourself with your breasts in place, thereby showing more of the extent you wish to feminize yourself for Her amusement.

    1. Hi Marissa,

      So glad you like the blog. It's all true and genuine. You might see comments from MissRunner? That's my Miss. i am hoping She will post something up Herself soon as She has author rights.

      Hopefully you will have by now read a later post where Miss actually gave me permission to wear them? It was three days ago i think? i am sure She will not let me do it all the time - only when She is feeling generous but now that She has done it once i hope She will allow me again. They certainly make me feel even more feminine and submissive - which has got to be in Her interests?! x
